
Melling St Wilfrid CE Primary School was last inspected in March 2022.  It was a one day monitoring inspection which quickly found that the school is good. Here is a summary of our strengths and areas for development from the inspection report. Please also find a link to the full inspection report below.

Our Strengths:

  • Staff treat each child as an individual member of one large family.
  • There is a stable team of teachers and support staff.
  • Teachers use the challenge of multiple year groups in one class to accelerate pupils' learning and progress.
  • New starters settle swiftly into school and make good progress.
  • Pupils take pride in their written work.
  • Pupils deepen their understanding of mathematics.
  • All children make good progress including those with SEND

Areas for Development:

  • To ensure all subjects are planned in the great depth that most subjects are planned in ( this was already planned into the school improvement plan)



Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools

April 2016

The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Melling St Wilfrid Church of England Primary School as a Church of England school are good:

  • Pupils’ excellent behaviour and positive attitudes are clearly based on their understanding of the school’s six core Christian values.

  • The headteacher, ably supported by dedicated staff and governors, has secured the school’s distinctive Christian character. This has impacted strongly on all aspects of school improvement.

  • Positive relationships with the church and local community have a significant impact on the school’s Christian character and on pupils’ personal and spiritual development.

  • The school’s strong ‘Christian family’ ethos supports and nurtures pupils and their families.

  • To view our full report please click on the link below.

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Contact the School

Melling St Wilfrid CE Primary School

Lodge Lane

Main Contact: Mrs. Rebecca Mason

Tel: 015242 21538